UK's EDI Hub+ - Transforming Diversity in STEM Research and Innovation 


• £2.5 million investment from EPSRC to establish the EDI Hub+ 

• Led by Professors Vania Dimitrova and Louise Jennings from the University of Leeds 

• Focuses on addressing diversity challenges in engineering, physical and mathematical sciences (EPMS) 

• Aims to scale up EDI interventions and integrate them within the EPMS community 

• Collaboration with seven university partners across the UK 

• Three key themes: career pathways, research funding processes, and organisational culture 

• Flexible fund to support piloting and scaling of EDI interventions 

• Goal to create a coordinated network across universities, businesses, and funders in EPMS 


Pioneering Change - The UK's New EDI Hub+ Tackles Diversity Challenges in STEM 

In a groundbreaking move to address persistent diversity challenges in the UK's science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) sectors, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) has announced a £2.5 million investment to establish the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Hub+. This innovative initiative, led by the University of Leeds, aims to harness collective knowledge and expertise to create transformative change across the engineering, physical and mathematical sciences (EPMS) community. 

The EDI Hub+ represents a significant step forward in the UK's commitment to fostering a more inclusive and diverse research and innovation ecosystem. By bringing together insights from within and beyond the sector, the hub seeks to identify and address the unique diversity challenges faced by EPMS fields, ultimately working towards a more equitable and representative scientific community. 

A Collaborative Approach to Systemic Change 

At the helm of this ambitious project are Professor Vania Dimitrova, an expert in Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence, and Professor Louise Jennings, specialising in Medical Engineering, both from the University of Leeds. Their leadership brings together a wealth of experience in both technological innovation and practical engineering applications, positioning the EDI Hub+ to tackle diversity challenges from multiple perspectives. 

The hub's collaborative nature is further emphasised by its partnership with seven other universities across the UK, including Aberystwyth University, Durham University, Heriot-Watt University, University of Bradford, University of Bristol, University of East Anglia, and University of York. This diverse coalition of institutions ensures that the EDI Hub+ can draw upon a wide range of experiences and insights, reflecting the varied landscape of STEM education and research in the UK. 

Addressing Core Themes for Lasting Impact 

The EDI Hub+ has identified three key themes that will guide its work: 

1. Career Pathways: Focusing on removing barriers to doctoral study for underrepresented groups, providing inclusive support at key career transitions, and fostering diverse leadership within STEM fields. 

2. Research Funding and Processes: Exploring alternative approaches to funding opportunities and peer review, with the aim of reducing the burden on specific groups and creating more equitable access to research resources. 

3. Organisational Culture: Working towards making workplaces more inclusive and accessible, promoting inclusive leadership practices, and developing equitable work-life balance approaches that accommodate diverse needs. 

By addressing these themes, the EDI Hub+ aims to create systemic change that goes beyond surface-level interventions, tackling the root causes of underrepresentation and inequality in STEM fields. 

Innovative Approaches to EDI Implementation 

One of the most exciting aspects of the EDI Hub+ is its commitment to evidence-based interventions and continuous learning.

The hub plans to deliver: 

• An interactive online resource cataloguing EDI interventions, complete with robust evidence of their effectiveness 

• EDI maturity indices and supporting materials to help organisations implement the right interventions at the right time 

• Piloted interventions embedded within EPMS research and innovation contexts 

• Scaled-up and fully evaluated interventions with potential for widespread adoption 

• National-level EDI guidelines, pledges, policies, and programmes 

Central to these efforts is the establishment of a Flexible Fund, which will support the EPMS community in piloting co-created interventions, scaling up successful projects, and evaluating the effectiveness of various approaches. This fund represents a dynamic and responsive approach to EDI, allowing for rapid iteration and adaptation based on real-world outcomes. 

Building a Coordinated Network for Lasting Change 

Perhaps one of the most significant aspects of the EDI Hub+ is its aim to create a coordinated and collaborative network across the four nations of the UK. This network will bring together universities, businesses, and funders within the EPMS community to facilitate knowledge exchange, share best practices, identify unmet needs, and co-create interventions to address those needs. 

By fostering this level of collaboration, the EDI Hub+ seeks to break down silos that have traditionally hindered progress in diversity and inclusion efforts. This approach recognises that lasting change requires the engagement and commitment of all stakeholders within the STEM ecosystem. 

Empowering Individuals and Institutions 

Professors Dimitrova and Jennings have emphasised their commitment to empowering individuals throughout the EPMS community. Their approach involves working closely with universities, learned societies, industry partners, professional bodies, and international collaborators to ensure that the EDI Hub+'s initiatives have far-reaching impact. 

This focus on empowerment is crucial, as it recognises that sustainable change must be driven not just from the top down, but also from the ground up. By engaging with individuals at all levels of the EPMS community, the EDI Hub+ aims to create a sense of ownership and commitment to diversity and inclusion goals. 

Embedding Inclusive Processes in Everyday Practice 

One of the key aspirations of the EDI Hub+ is to see equitable and inclusive processes become embedded and normalised in everyday practice within the EPMS community. As Professor Louise Jennings notes, "We're passionate about this project as we feel the time is ripe to focus on evidence-based sustained transformation across the Engineering, Physical and Mathematical Sciences research and innovation community." 

This emphasis on sustained transformation is critical. Too often, EDI initiatives have been treated as add-ons or temporary projects, rather than fundamental shifts in how organisations operate. By focusing on embedding inclusive processes into everyday practice, the EDI Hub+ aims to create lasting change that becomes an integral part of the EPMS culture. 

Towards a Fairer Future in STEM 

The ultimate goal of the EDI Hub+ is to create a fairer future for all in STEM fields. As Professor Vania Dimitrova articulates, "We believe that these interventions will lead to a fairer future, ensuring everyone, including those who are under-represented, is listened to, understood, and enabled to pursue their goals and succeed." 

This vision of a fairer future is not just about increasing diversity for its own sake, but about enriching the STEM community with a wider range of perspectives, experiences, and ideas. By doing so, the EDI Hub+ aims to enhance the quality and impact of research and innovation in the UK, ultimately benefiting society as a whole. 

Collaboration with Existing Initiatives 

The EDI Hub+ does not exist in isolation but builds upon and collaborates with existing initiatives. This includes work done through the EPSRC Inclusion Matters projects and collaboration with other programmes supported by UK Research and Innovation, such as the EDI Caucus. By aligning with these existing efforts, the EDI Hub+ can leverage established knowledge and networks, avoiding duplication of efforts and maximising impact. 

Challenges and Opportunities Ahead 

While the establishment of the EDI Hub+ represents a significant step forward, it also faces considerable challenges. Addressing deeply ingrained systemic issues within STEM fields will require sustained effort, resources, and commitment from all stakeholders. Moreover, measuring the long-term impact of EDI interventions can be complex, requiring careful evaluation and a willingness to adapt strategies based on evidence. 

However, these challenges also present opportunities. The EDI Hub+ has the potential to: 

• Set new standards for evidence-based EDI practices in STEM fields 

• Foster innovative approaches to longstanding diversity challenges 

• Create a more collaborative and inclusive STEM ecosystem in the UK 

• Enhance the UK's global reputation as a leader in inclusive research and innovation 


The establishment of the EDI Hub+ marks a pivotal moment in the UK's efforts to create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive STEM community. By bringing together expertise from across the sector, fostering collaboration, and focusing on evidence-based interventions, the hub has the potential to drive significant and lasting change. 

As the EDI Hub+ begins its work, its success will depend not just on the efforts of its leaders and partners, but on the engagement and commitment of the entire EPMS community. From individual researchers and students to institutional leaders and policymakers, everyone has a role to play in creating a fairer and more inclusive future for STEM in the UK. 

The journey towards true equality, diversity, and inclusion in STEM is ongoing, but initiatives like the EDI Hub+ provide hope and a clear path forward. As this ambitious project unfolds, it will undoubtedly offer valuable lessons and insights not just for the UK, but for the global STEM community in its ongoing quest for greater diversity and inclusion. 



Are you passionate about advancing equality, diversity, and inclusion in STEM fields? Lurnable's premium membership subscription offers exclusive access to in-depth analyses, expert insights, and practical resources to help you stay at the forefront of EDI initiatives in research and innovation. 

Our advisory services provide personalised guidance for institutions, researchers, and policymakers looking to implement effective EDI strategies. Whether you're developing new interventions, evaluating existing programmes, or seeking to embed inclusive practices in your organisation, our team of experts is here to support you. 

Don't miss out on crucial updates and opportunities in the rapidly evolving landscape of STEM diversity and inclusion. Join our WhatsApp channel to receive instant notifications about new initiatives, funding opportunities, and best practices from the EDI Hub+ and beyond. 

Subscribe to Lurnable's premium membership, book an advisory session, or join our WhatsApp channel today to play your part in shaping a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive future for STEM in the UK and beyond! 


1. Q: What is the EDI Hub+? 

   A: The EDI Hub+ is a new initiative funded by the EPSRC to address diversity challenges in engineering, physical and mathematical sciences (EPMS) through collaborative research, knowledge sharing, and innovative interventions. 

2. Q: How much funding has been allocated to the EDI Hub+? 

   A: The EPSRC has invested £2.5 million to establish and support the EDI Hub+. 

3. Q: Who is leading the EDI Hub+? 

   A: The EDI Hub+ is led by Professor Vania Dimitrova and Professor Louise Jennings from the University of Leeds. 

4. Q: What are the main themes the EDI Hub+ will focus on? 

   A: The EDI Hub+ focuses on three main themes: career pathways, research funding and processes, and organisational culture. 

5. Q: How will the EDI Hub+ support new interventions? 

   A: The EDI Hub+ will use a Flexible Fund to support piloting, scaling up, and evaluating EDI interventions within the EPMS community. 

6. Q: Which universities are partnering with the EDI Hub+? 

   A: Partner universities include Aberystwyth University, Durham University, Heriot-Watt University, University of Bradford, University of Bristol, University of East Anglia, and University of York. 

7. Q: How does the EDI Hub+ plan to share knowledge and best practices? 

   A: The hub will create an interactive online resource of EDI interventions and establish a coordinated network across universities, businesses, and funders in the EPMS community. 

8. Q: Will the EDI Hub+ collaborate with existing initiatives? 

   A: Yes, the EDI Hub+ will build on existing work, including EPSRC Inclusion Matters projects, and collaborate with programmes like the EDI Caucus. 

9. Q: How can individuals and organisations get involved with the EDI Hub+? 

   A: Details on engagement opportunities will be shared on the EDI Hub+ website, which is currently in development. 

10. Q: Where can I find more information about the EDI Hub+? 

    A: For the most up-to-date information, visit the official UKRI website at 


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